EXPAT - auto insurance (FR)

Assurance automobile

Avoir tout sur roues, c’est profiter du plus large ensemble de garanties!

Dans un environnement différent de l’habituel, conduire peut présenter une difficulté et un risque accrus. Il est important de prévenir toute éventualité: On Sobre Rodas est l’assurance automobile qui vous facilite la vie dans pratiquement toutes les situations

Contactez votre agent Generali Tranquilidade aujourd’hui même et partez tranquille avec On Sobre Rodas.


Choisissez les couvertures qui vous conviennent pour arriver à destination!

Même avec cette option pour les véhicules particuliers, On Sobre Rodas inclut la protection juridique, l’assistance voyage et les occupants (uniquement le conducteur ou tous les occupants).

Vous pouvez souscrire une assurance de responsabilité civile pour un capital de 10 000 00 € ou de 50 000 00 € et bénéficier des garanties supplémentaires suivantes:

  • Responsabilité pour conduite de véhicules de tiers
  • Responsabilité pour utilisation de remorque
  • Responsabilité civile croisée
  • Responsabilité civile pour chargement (uniquement disponible pour l’option de 50 000 00 €)
  • Responsabilité civile pour conduite de bicyclettes ou de chaises roulantes motorisées (uniquement disponible pour l’option de 50 000 00 €)
  • Inclut un véhicule de remplacement en cas de panne
  • Frais de remorquage (véhicule léger et motocycles) en cas d’accident ou de panne
  • Appoint en carburant ou remplacement de carburant (prix du carburant non compris)
  • Remplacement de pneu en cas de crevaison ou d’éclatement
  • Crevaison ou éclatement de pneu
  • Perte ou vol des clefs (ou clés oubliées à l'intérieur du véhicule)
  • Paiement des frais médicaux, chirurgicaux, pharmaceutiques et d’hospitalisation en cas d’accident ou de maladie survenue à l’étranger.
  • Couverture accrue pour les frais de remorquage (véhicules légers et motocycles)
  • En cas de panne, le véhicule de remplacement sera le même que le véhicule assuré et sera remis à l’endroit souhaité par l’assuré (au Portugal)
  • Service de taxi en cas de consommation excessive d’alcool
  • Capital de garantie accru pour crevaison ou éclatement de pneu
  • Assistance voyage (voyageurs et bagages) valable dans le monde entier
  • Service de taxi jusqu’au domicile en cas de transport ou de rapatriement d’occupants

Le bris e glace est l’un des sinistres les plus fréquents, que le conducteur ne peut pratiquement rien faire pour éviter. Protégez-vous ! Les toits panoramiques sont également inclus.

Parce que la vie ne s’arrête pas, profitez d’un véhicule de remplacement si le vôtre est immobilisé en raison d’un accident.

Réduisez le désagrément qu’occasionnent les révisions en profitant d’un véhicule de remplacement (max. 2 jours par année de contrat).

Se faire voler est une situation particulièrement désagréable. Protégez-vous en garantissant le remplacement de vos documents personnels (jusqu’à 150€ par sinistre), la réparation ou le remplacement de serrure en cas de cambriolage de votre résidence (jusqu’à 250€ par sinistre) et l’utilisation frauduleuse de carte de crédit (jusqu’à 150€ par carte).

Pour les conducteurs qui souhaitent protéger encore mieux leur véhicule. Garantit automatiquement l’extension des couvertures pour dommages personnels à tous les pays de l’Union Européenne.

Frequently Asked Questions

The owner or driver of a vehicle is civilly liable for the losses that the vehicle might cause to third parties. In the event of an accident, these liabilities may well be extensive, given the compensation that can be demanded from the owner and/or driver. This is why the law requires land-based motor vehicles and their trailers to be covered by Third-Party Liability Auto Insurance.

The mandatory insurance covers the compensation owed for any bodily injuries or material damage caused to third parties or to the passengers, but not the driver, in the insured vehicle itself, up to the maximum sum insured under the policy.

No. No insurance can cover all the risks. The term “all risks” is often incorrectly used to refer to the Own Damage cover.

Own Damage cover may be contracted as an addition to Third-Party Liability Insurance. It covers the losses incurred by the insured vehicle, even when the driver is responsible for the accident. Talk to your Insurance Agent or Broker about the various options that you can contract under this cover.

You may contract the covers listed below, subject to the rules established by the Insurer:

  • Optional Third-Party Liability;
  • Crash, Collision or Rollover;
  • Fire, Lightning Strike, Explosion
  • Theft or Robbery;
  • Write-Off;
  • Natural Phenomena;
  • Malicious Acts;
  • Value as New;
  • Broken Glass;
  • Replacement Vehicle;
  • Protection Plus;
  • Personal Protection;
  • Occupants;
  • Legal Protection;
  • Roadside Assistance;
  • Baggage. 

This is a system of no-claim bonuses (Bonus) or claim-related premium increases (Malus), incurred if the client is responsible for the accident. This system only applies to the following covers:

  • Third-Party Liability (Mandatory and Optional); 
  • Crash, Collision or Rollover; 
  • Fire, Lightning Strike or Explosion;
  • Acts of Vandalism

No. All you need to do is to present the Insurance Track Record Statement (Certificado de Tarifação, in Portuguese) to which you are legally entitled when you cancel your insurance contract.

If you terminate or decide not to renew your contract, the Insurer will issue an Insurance Track Record Statement covering your Third-Party Liability Auto insurance. This document details any claims made in the last 5 years and serves as proof of any no-claim bonuses or premium increases applied to the terminated policy.  

The deductible is the amount stipulated in the policy for which the Insured is liable, in the event of a claim. It is calculated on the basis of the Sum Insured and is applied to the optional covers.

The deductible will be deducted from any compensation owed for the incident, whether this involves the write-off or partial loss of the insured vehicle. The Insurer is responsible for payment of any amount above the deductible amount, up to the maximum sum insured under the contract. 

You should check your Green Card to see if your Third-Party Liability cover is valid for the whole time you are away and for all the countries you are going to visit. If it is not, get in touch with your Insurance Agent or Broker.

If your policy includes Own Damage cover, this cover will automatically be valid in all countries in the European Union. If you wish to extend this cover to include all the other countries on your green card, please get in touch with your Insurance Agent or Broker.

You should immediately inform your Insurer, in writing. Your insurance policy will expire at midnight on the day on which the vehicle is sold!

If you contract own damage cover, extras are taken to mean all equipment that was not factory-installed on the vehicle. The Policyholder or the Insured must list any such equipment and provide the relevant invoices for the same. 

This is not necessary, as the Insurer will automatically apply this depreciation when the contract is renewed.

If the vehicle is new, there is no need for an inspection. In all other situations, and depending on the rules established by your Insurer, an inspection must be carried out if you have contracted own damage insurance or third-party liability insurance that also includes broken glass cover. 

The duration is stipulated in the specific conditions and on the Green card. Normally, the contract will be for 1 year and automatically renewable for the same period of time. 

Your insurance is only valid if the premium (or part thereof) is paid before the deadline stipulated in the notice of payment. If the premium is not paid by this deadline, the contract will not come into effect.

If you do not pay the insurance premium by the stipulated deadline, the contract will immediately be cancelled. 

Your first priority must be your own safety and that of all others involved. Put your reflective vest on and make sure the scene of the accident has been clearly indicated, by placing a triangle about 30 metres away. If necessary, switch your hazard lights on. 

If anybody has been injured, call 112 and ask for medical assistance and for the police to attend, so they can register the incident. You should also ask for fire service assistance, if required.

Check the material damage and take photos of the scene of the accident, the vehicles involved and the damage caused.

Irrespective of whose fault the accident was, you must always fill out the Accident Statement form (Declaração Amigável de Acidente Automóvel, in Portuguese). Fill out the form with both drivers’ details and put a cross to indicate the type of accident. Both drivers must sign the form. Each driver should keep a copy of the form. If there were any witnesses to the accident, include their names and contacts.

If the drivers do not agree on how the accident occurred, each one should fill out their own Accident Statement form and deliver this to the Insurer of the other vehicle.

If one of the parties flees the scene, stay put and call the police so that they can write a report on the occurrence. 

The Incident should be reported to the Insurer within 8 days, using one of the following methods: 

  • Through the customer web page
  • Email: sinistros@generalion.pt
  • Generali Tranquildade Agent
  • Postal address: Av. D. João II, N.º 11 - 8.º 1998-036 Lisboa

The following must be supplied when filing a claim:

  • The completed Accident Statement form.
  • The police report, where there is one.
  • Other information that might be important, such as photographs.

Direct Compensation of the Insured (abbreviated to IDS in Portuguese) - the aim of this convention is to speed up the settlement of claims and better serve the interests of all those involved, by allowing each driver to settle the claim directly with their own Insurer, irrespective of whether or not they are to blame for the accident. 

For an accident to be settled under this convention, it must be the case that:

  • Only 2 vehicles were involved.
  • Both vehicles have Portuguese licence plates.
  • The accident occurred in Portugal.
  • Only material damage was caused.
  • The damage to the vehicle covered by the Creditor does not exceed €50,000.00.
  • Both vehicles are covered by an insurance policy taken out with one of the Insurance Companies that are signatories to the Convention.

As soon as possible, you should go to the nearest police station and report the theft. Ask for a copy of the police report and give this to your Insurance Agent or Broker.

Yes. However, if the person driving the vehicle is not legally qualified to do so or has taken the vehicle without your consent (that is, it has been stolen), the Insurer may require the person responsible for the accident to reimburse it for any compensation that it has had to pay out.

If a third party is responsible, you will receive an amount equivalent to the market value of your vehicle at the date of the accident. 

If you were responsible for the accident, and you have own damage cover, you will receive the sum insured at the date of the accident. 

In either of these cases, the value of the salvage will be deducted from the compensation, if the vehicle remains in your possession.

To find out how the claim process is progressing, contact your national mediator, our Insurance Support Line Customer through + 351 213 124 300 (call to the national fixed network); You can also contact us via WhatsApp
using the number + 351 961 156 555 (call with Internet connection) or 808 243 000 (between 9am and 9pm on days useful - €0.07 for the first minute and €0.0277/min for the rest (+VAT); between 9pm and 9am on weekdays, weekends and holidays - €0.07 for the first minute and €0.0084/min for the rest (+VAT).

Personalized service from 9am to 5pm, every working day.
Permanent service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Roadside Assistance service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If needed, please contact our assistance helpline on 808 505 542 or, if you are abroad, call +351 213 124 335.  

If something untoward occurs during your journey, you can also find all of the above contacts on your green card. 

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