EXPAT - home (ENG)

Home insurance

Meet the new insurance for your home.

Your protection lives here! Thanks to our wide range of multi-risk home insurance solutions, On Chave Mestra will take care of you, your family and your home. Free yourself from worry!

Talk to your Generali Tranquilidade Agent today and get going with On Lar Plus.




  • Take out any extra cover you need, such Loss of Rental Income
  • Homes with anti-burglary protection, intruder alarms or round-the-clock surveillance can benefit from discounts
  • Option to update your insured capital automatically

Personal Accident cover is also available

  • Valid in Portugal, or any other part of the world, for stays of up to 180 days.

Family Civil Liability Cover

  • Cover for any damage inflicted on a third party by any member of your family, your pets or any household staff in your employ.

Equipment Breakdown

  • Cover for any sudden and unforeseeable breakdown or damage that stops your fridge, freezer and/or computer equipment from working as it should.


Cover for material damage suffered by you, the insurance holder, or any member of your family as a result of robbery or theft.

Cover for any damage inflicted on a third party by any member of your family, your pets or any household staff in your employ.

Cover for any sudden and unforeseeable breakdown or damage that stops your fridge, freezer and/or computer equipment from working as it should.

  • Owner/Tenant Civil Liability
  • Identification and Repair of Breakdowns
  • Electrical Risks Personal
  • Robbery of the Insurance Holder Breakage of Crystal Glass, Glass Panes, Mirrors, Ornamental Stones and Bathroom Fittings
  • Away from Home Risks
  • Damage to the Garden or Wooded Areas
  • Damage to Refrigerated Goods
  • Help if you are ill or have an accident while at home:
    • Medicines delivered to your doorster
    • Transport to your nearest hospital
  • Technicians sent to your home
  • Replacement DVD/TV, washing machine, dishwasher, fridge or hot water heater if there is an accident that you are covered for
  • Loss or theft of your keys
  • Assistance for your pets

Frequently Asked Questions

It is insurance that is designed to protect residential buildings and/or their contents from a range of arbitrary and unexpected accidents. 

It is called multi-risk because it offers a broad bundle of covers that, in addition to your home, also protects you as the insured person and your immediate family. 


In addition to including the mandatory fire cover, this insurance also provides other covers that offer fuller and broader protection (for example: from Storms, Water Damage, Electrical Risks, Glass Breakage, Robbery or Theft, etc.)

Yes, your work-related furniture and instruments are automatically covered if you work out of the insured property, provided that it primarily serves as your home.

A building is considered to be a condominium property when it is divided into distinct independent property units that are physically separate from each other. Each unit has its own access to a jointly owned part of the building, such as stairs, landings or corridors, or to the street.

The jointly owned parts of a condominium building are as follows: 

  • Foundations, columns, pillars, load-bearing walls and all parts that comprise the structure of the building;
  • Roofs or shared roof terraces  
  • Entrances, halls, stairs or corridors for the use or passage of one or more joint owners. 
  • Shared water, gas, electricity, heating, air-conditioning and communication installations as well as any shared aerials used to receive images and sound; 
  • In general, all parts of the building that are not set aside for the sole use of one of the joint owners, such as adjacent patios, lifts, cargo hoists and escalators, rooms for the doorkeeper to live or work in, garages and other parking places, when these are shared.

A building is the structure, walls, roof, ceilings, floorings, doors and windows, including the glass in these, built-in cupboards and other features of the property as built.

The water, gas, electricity, telephone, internal communication systems, alarms and similar, heating and cooling devices, radio and television aerials, except for satellite dish aerials; solar panels, kitchen furniture, when the insured is the owner of the dwelling, and bathroom sanitary ware.

Dependent annexes, such as garages, cellars, storerooms and attics, whenever these are part of the same building and constructed using the same materials.

Yards and exterior parts of the building, such as hedges, gates and fencing, walls, terraces, patios, swimming-pools, tennis courts and other sports facilities.

Improvements made to the building or fixed decorative elements that are part of the building and belong to the insured.

Contents comprise the movable property that is for the domestic and personal use of the Insured Parties, where this property is physically located in the insured dwelling or in one of its dependent annexes. Contents may be, for example, furniture, appliances, crockery and clothing. Special Objects are a subcategory of contents that present a greater level of risk. They are: 

  • Precious stones, precious metals, pearls 
  • Jewels, objects in gold, silver or other precious metals
  • Engravings and paintings
  • Antiquities or rarities of any type
  • Stamp or coin collections or any other type of collection

High-value objects are covered up to an amount equivalent to 30% of the sum insured for contents and up to maximum of €2,500.00 per item or collection. Collections or sets or objects are taken to be a single object.

A number of factors influence the insurance premium. The most important of these are:  

  • Sum Insured; 
  • Covers contracted;
  • Type of construction; 
  • Age of the building; and 
  • Geographical location;
  • Amongst others.

The deductible is the amount, or the percentage amount, of the claim settlement for which the Insured is responsible.

The policyholder is responsible for setting the sum insured at the beginning of, and throughout, the contract. 

The sum insured for the building is calculated as a function of the gross area of the building and the reconstruction cost, per square metre, for the same. For properties that have higher quality fixtures and finishes, this amount should be higher.

The sum insured for the contents should equate to the cost of replacing all the insured property as new.

Generally speaking, the sum insured is updated automatically when the policy is renewed, in line with the change in the quarterly indexes published by the Insurance and Pension Fund Regulator (ASF) for each type of object. 

One reason for the automatic updating of the sum insured is to minimise the likelihood of being underinsured when it comes to making a claim. Nevertheless, the Policyholder should also update the sums insured whenever there is good reason to do so. This may be, for example, because you have done improvement work on your home or because you have acquired more items to add to the contents.

Your insurance takes effect on the date and at the time stipulated in the Specific Conditions, provided that you have paid the premium.

Contracts always last for 1 year and are automatically renewed for the same period of time.

If the sum insured at the time of taking out the insurance is less than the total value of your property, when you make a claim, the policy will only pay out a proportion of this value.

For example, if you take out insurance for €35,000 but the real value of your home’s contents is €50,000, only 70% of the value of these contents has been insured. So, if property worth €20,000 is stolen from your home, the Insurer will only pay 70% of this amount, which would be €14,000. 

The rule of proportionality is not applied when:

  • the sum insured is equal to or greater than the cost of reconstructing or replacing the insured property, provided that the sum insured through the policy is automatically updated, on the basis of an index or an agreement;
  • If the total assessed amount for damage does not exceed €1,500;
  • Claims covered by first-loss insurance.

The incident should be reported to the Insurer within 8 days, using one of the following methods: 

  • Through the customer web page
  • Email: sinistros@generalion.pt
  • Generali Tranquilidade Agent 
  • Post: Av. D. João II, N.º 11 - 8.º 1998-036 Lisboa

If you wish to email, fax or post in your claim, download the Multi-Risk Home Insurance Claim Form here. If your claim is for theft or robbery, you should also report the incident to the competent police authorities. They will give you a report that lists the stolen property and you should make this available to the Insurer. The claim form covers all the additional information that the Insurer might need to register the occurrence. 

However, if you choose to file your claim in another way, make sure that you mention all of the following: 

  • Policy No.; 
  • Person to contact for settlement of the claim (name, address, telephone number and email); 
  • Date and time of the incident;
  • Detailed description of the incident; 
  • Where the incident took place; 
  • Person causing the incident, if not the insured; 
  • Relationship to the injured party (family member, co-worker, etc.), where applicable; 
  • Details of the injured party (full name, address, taxpayer number, telephone number, likely cost of the damage, type of damage - material loss or bodily injury), where applicable; 
  • Identities of any witnesses and/or of any authorities who registered the occurrence; 
  • Bank account details (IBAN).

To find out how the claim process is progressing, contact your national mediator, our Insurance Support Line Customer through + 351 213 124 300 (call to the national fixed network); You can also contact us via WhatsApp using the number + 351 961 156 555 (call with Internet connection) or 808 243 000 (between 9am and 9pm on days useful - €0.07 for the first minute and €0.0277/min for the rest (+VAT); between 9pm and 9am on weekdays, weekends and holidays - €0.07 for the first minute and €0.0084/min for the rest (+VAT). 

Personalized service from 9am to 5pm, every working day. 

Permanent service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the Home Assistance Service provides the help you need to deal with unforeseen events or home maintenance issues. Call our Assistance Centre on 808 505 527 when you need help or send an email to assistencia@rna.com.pt. You can request Home Assistance when the insured dwelling has been affected by an incident that is covered by your policy or for the purposes of valuing the contents. In addition to the above situations, the Home Assistance service also covers the sending of a technician in response to any kind of incident. The Insured is responsible for paying for the service provided, which will be billed at the fixed cost or hourly rate agreed at the time of requesting the assistance. The Assistance Service will cover the technician’s travel costs.

In the event of an incident, it is important that you remain calm, take any steps you can to contain the damage and refrain from destroying any salvage, as this may be needed for valuation purposes. Do not admit responsibility for the accident without first speaking to your Insurer. In an emergency situation, call 112 and ask for medical assistance, for the police to attend the scene and register the incident or for help from the fire service.

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